
global conflict prevention pool معنى

  • المجمع العالمي لمنع الصراعات
  • global    adj. كروي, عالمي, ...
  • conflict    n. صراع, خلاف, قتا ...
  • conflict prevention    منع نشوب الصراعات
  • prevention    n. منع, وقاية, إعا ...
  • pool    n. حوض السباحة, بر ...

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. global compilation of national legislation against racial discrimination معنى
  2. global conference on health promotion معنى
  3. global conference on sustainable tourism in small island states معنى
  4. global conference on the role of civil society in the prevention of armed conflict and peacebuilding معنى
  5. global conference on the sustainable development of small island developing states معنى
  6. global conflicts معنى
  7. global consortium for tsunami-affected countries معنى
  8. global constituencies معنى
  9. global consultation on agricultural extension معنى
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